Junior / Senior Player Info




2024-2025 Junior Summer baseball Season

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Thank you for visiting our website and for considering either T-ball or baseball as a possible sport for your child to participate in during the summer months of season 2024-2025.

TEE BALL: Sunshine Baseball Club is proud to be conducting its own Tee ball sessions and games.

Tee-Ball has been modified for maximum involvement and fun. It has been modified so that children of all abilities get an equal chance to participate. Player positions and batting line-up will be rotated every innings, giving children the practice and the essential skills required for playing baseball. The games will be held on Tuesdays at 5pm at the club, starting in November and concluding at the end of Feb. This competition will include the players from the age 4 to 8, with 6 players per team. There is also currently a Tee Ball Gala day held throughout the season, some of the participating clubs are Sunshine, Werribee, Williamstown, Footscray and Newport.

FRIDAY NIGHT BASEBALL: The Friday night games are for ages under the age of 12. In this competition the kids learn to play the game, understand the basic rules, become part of the team, and most importantly, HAVE FUN. Games are played around the Western Suburbs, and some of the teams that we play against include Newport, Williamstown, Werribee & Footscray, so you will need to be able to get your children to these grounds.

SUNDAY MORNING BASEBALL: The Sunday U18s, U16s, U14s and U12s games are played at 9am and are played across the Eastern and Western suburbs of Melbourne. This Sunday competition is more competitive and a lot stronger than the Friday night competition and it gives the players the opportunity to play at a higher level.

If you are interested in registering your child to play baseball this coming season, please contact Gavin Fischer for any further information. Phone: 0419 874 135 / Email: gavin.fischer@outlook.com.au

Thanks again for visiting our website and we look forward to hearing from you in the near future.



The primary focus of Sunshine Baseball Club is player development. We believe in developing fundamentally sound baseball players which will not only translate to success on the field, but will also prepare each player to compete in higher level baseball and beyond, if they so desire.

We believe there are four main areas of player development :
1. Each player must have a personal desire to improve.
2. Each player must be given ample opportunity in both practice and competitive game settings.
3. Each player must show dedication beyond regular practice and games sessions and be held to a high standard to improve in their individual skill level.

4. Need to have passion, commitment, and a strong work ethic. None of these will happen if there is no desire to succeed.

Our club places great emphasis on the development of a positive environment in each and every situation. Each player will be taught and expected to exhibit character traits including, but not limited to respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance, discipline and hard work. 





As Sunshine Baseball Club is associated with the Good Sports program, please see the following information and link regarding how to quit smoking and vaping.

Role modelling smoking can have a significant impact on junior members and a smokefree club makes smoking less visible and socially acceptable to the many kids that play at and visit our club. 

If we can promote the smokefree message off-field, young players are going to perform better on field and the whole community will be healthier for it. We understand that the majority of smokers want to give up, and Sunshine Baseball Club, adopting a smokefree policy, is helping to reduce the amount of triggers smokers face on a daily basis. Thiscan only be a good thing for our club and our community.    

As such, for Sunshine Baseball Club to be accredited as Good Sports, we would like to ensure that there is no smoking or vaping within the club premises with immeddiate effect. We would also like to encourage anyone who wishes to QUIT to visit this website. Remember, you can call the Quitline at 13 7848 if you would like support to quit.

This is a great way for us to continue supporting the Sunshine community and to give both our players and spectators the best opportunity to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Regards Sunshine Baseball Club